First-class revenue cycle services for high-performing practices

Your patients come first for you. Your practice’s financial health comes first for us.

Everything you need to maximize revenue

Overwhelmed by coding and billing? That’s what we’re here for. When you partner with omo to optimize your revenue cycle, we’ll help maximize your income at every step. From capturing all MIPS and quality incentives to increasing your net collection percentage, we know what it takes to ensure you’re paid quickly and accurately.

Be revenue ready

Ensure your providers are appropriately credentialed and operating with compliant billing practices.

Prevent denials

Know what payers are looking for and what they tend to deny, and will help you anticipate and resolve issues quickly.

Engage patients

Automated campaigns make it easy for your patients to understand and act on statements, payment reminders and more.

Check the data — not the box

To get accurately reimbursed for services, you’ll need more than just sophisticated technology. Only an intimate knowledge of payer behaviors can ensure complete claims. While many billing companies can check the box, we let data drive us — so you can do a whole lot more than simply send bills and post payments. With data behind every decision, we’ll provide the financial roadmap that’s just right for your practice.


Our expert partners have helped more than 2500 physicians across 37 states optimize their revenue cycles.

performance metrics

Predict trends and optimize your financial health with proprietary technology to track more than 100 key performance metrics.


Use the same advanced analytics that have already empowered more than 8,500 physicians to change how business is done.

Get it right every time

  • Set up for success: Our experts ensure all your providers are appropriately credentialed with the payers in your network and ready to generate revenue for your practice.
  • Ensure best practices: Capture your rightful revenue with impeccable charge capture and coding practices based on the nuances of your unique practice.
  • Expedite revenue: Our partner works within your practice management system to review charges, ensure proper coding, submit claims and post payments.

Ready to get started?

Begin your omo membership today for instant access to revenue cycle management services.